We gained ISO14001 certification as Toyota Tsusho Corporation in 2007.
1) Promotion of pollution prevention activities
(1) Control of the quality of the air and water; prevention of noise, vibration, odor, and soil pollution;
reduction of industrial wastes.
(2) We participate in the Environmental Month campaign of pollution prevention inspection of Gunma Pref.
every June.
2) Promotion of CO2 reduction
(1) We changed all our commercial motor vehicles to eco-friendly cars.
(2) Kyushu office
1. We changed fuel oil A for the boiler to LPG.
2. We are saving energy by using LED lamps with human body detection sensors.
3) Full inspections inside and outside the company
We practice having inspections regularly which include evaluation of the corporate system, both inside and outside at fixed intervals by the Safety and Environmental Office of Toyota Tsusho Corporation.
4) Education and training activities
(1) We practice environmental disaster drills with cooperation between employees and members of
related departments twice a year.
(2) We practice environmental education for employees through activities to help improve the company
structure twice a year.

5) Reduction of wastes and promotion of 3Rs
(1) We have set 15 kinds of sorting standards to sort out valuables from wastes thoroughly.
(2) We set our goal of reducing wastes of final landfill disposal to zero, and we strive to achieve it.

6) Promotion of the development of nature-friendly products
We give priority to the use of naturally-derived materials, and we are making efforts to develop production systems that would be effective with smaller amounts of material and need lesser amounts of water.
7) Promotion of compliance
We comply to all laws relating to the environment.